Home is where the Spirit is.

“We are a church family of real people who are seeking after a real and living God. We are not perfect. We simply love Jesus. There is nothing worse than feeling like a failure, outcast, or being condemned by self-righteous people who think they are perfect based on following the rules. The good news is that Jesus Christ came to destroy the idea that we could somehow earn His love. We cannot earn it and once we experience His grace and mercy, it empowers our lives to be filled with purpose and hope. Repentance was never meant to be a scary word but a life-giving one. We turn from our old lives because a new life in Christ is so much better! Our church is a family of young and old, families and singles, divorced and remarried, widowed and orphans all adopted in to the same body of Christ experiencing His redeeming love. We encourage you to open the door and step inside. Let the presence of God transform you and begin a journey leading you into who you were meant to be.” - Rev. Nicholas Hanges, Lead  Pastor 

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School

Main Service
10:00 -11:30am

Ladies Bible Study 9:30am

Celebrate Recovery
7:00 pm 


6:30-7:45 pm All Ages

Mens Bible Study 9:30am

First Fridays - Worship Night

Communion - Second Sundays

BGMC Sunday - Last Sundays

What To Expect

We welcome all at Foundation Church and would love to have you join us in church this weekend. You will be greeted by some of the friendliest people in Northwest Iowa.

There is no dress code and you can come as you are!

Our worship is a mixture of modern and traditional songs and our services last anywhere from 60-90 minutes each Sunday. We strive to finish no later than 11:30am in order to accommodate our children's ministry workers and services.

There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

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